Wednesday 8 May 2013

Just Tired...

Do you ever just feel so tired....tired of trying to save money, budgeting, penny-pinching....? I am taking a tiny break and I will look for more tips for you soon....just gotta take a nap...a 93 hour nap...

Saturday 4 May 2013

Results of Live Below the Line Challenge!

Well I have to admit it was impossible for me to survive on $1.50 per day this week...largely because A) there were too many restaurants and other available food places around B) I use food as a way to deal with stress and there is almost always stress in life!

Anyway, I was able to only raise a tiny amount...but to those in extreme poverty it will feed one person for a week. And in Canada, we raised a total of almost $95000!!!!

Thursday 2 May 2013

Thursday, Day 4....Kinda Messed Up Wednesday Live Below the Line Challenge....

Well I was downtown yesterday and spent about 6 or 7 hours wandering around in the heat...and succumbed to spending about $6 on drinks and snacks....  :( boo....

I really have to say, I have the outmost admiration for those fellow humans suffering in extreme poverty...without adequate clean water, sunscreen, and nutritious food...

...well I am going to do my best to continue eating fairly inexpensive and healthy...time for some old-fashioned rolled oats...and maybe another long walk out in the sun...only with more sunscreen this time! :)

I have already shown oatmeal pics so here is a famous landmark in downtown Chicago ..... I didn't have my camera so I had to find this online

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Too lazy to cook more lentils and rice takes too long....

So it's oatmeal for supper....blech.....sooooo hungry for some kind of meat! Burger! Pizza!

Naked Lentils: LBL Day 1 Lunch and Supper

So I forgot to cook my rice (it's brown short grain) and I was so hungry I just decided to eat plain lentils for lunch. They were kind of gross so I added a bit of garlic. They were still gross so I cooked the rice and added them together and then put some cajun flavouring on them. That was pretty good!
It is my new lunch and supper for the remaining 4.5 days! God I miss meat and Dr Pepper!!
Please donate forget to donate a few bucks or even try living on $1.50 per day!!

Day 2 Breakfast

Oatmeal Take 2: This time I soaked the oats all night, and then boiled them for about 5 minutes. And yes, I cheated today...I added a bit of salt, cinnamon, and stevia. Even so, I can't eat that's pretty good but not something you'd eat past when you're full...and I feel full after only a few bites...

Incidentally, I dreamt last night that everyone was going for McFlurries...and I was so mad because I couldn't have any :('s only the second day and I'm having food nightmares!

Monday 29 April 2013

10:30am LBL Day 1: I'm Starving!

Well, "starving" is an exaggeration, what with this only being my first day and billions of other people live like this each and every day.

I am working on following some Photoshop tutorials to keep my mind occupied and improve my portfolio.

Lentils and brown rice in 90 minutes!!